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Old objects, young objects
Most (98%) objects die young. The various garbage collection strategies perform very differently depending on the mix of short-lived and long-lived objects. Copying collectors work very well when most objects die young, because objects that die young never need to be copied at all. However, the copying collector deals poorly with long-lived objects, repeatedly copying them back and forth from one semi-space to another. Conversely, mark-compact collectors do very well with long-lived objects, because long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of the heap and then do not need to be copied again. Mark-sweep and mark-compact collectors, however, expend considerably more effort examining dead objects, because they must examine every object in the heap during the sweep phase.
Most (98%) objects die young. The various garbage collection strategies perform very differently depending on the mix of short-lived and long-lived objects. Copying collectors work very well when most objects die young, because objects that die young never need to be copied at all. However, the copying collector deals poorly with long-lived objects, repeatedly copying them back and forth from one semi-space to another. Conversely, mark-compact collectors do very well with long-lived objects, because long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of the heap and then do not need to be copied again. Mark-sweep and mark-compact collectors, however, expend considerably more effort examining dead objects, because they must examine every object in the heap during the sweep phase.
Early JDKs used a single-threaded mark-sweep or mark-sweep-compact collector. JDKs 1.2 and later employ a hybrid approach, called '''generational collection''', where the heap is divided into several sections based on an object's age, and different generations are collected separately using different collection algorithms. Generational garbage collection turns out to be very effective, although it introduces several additional bookkeeping requirements at runtime.
Early JDKs used a single-threaded mark-sweep or mark-sweep-compact collector. JDKs 1.2 and later employ a hybrid approach, called '''generational collection''', where the heap is divided into several sections based on an object's age, and different generations are collected separately using different collection algorithms. Generational garbage collection turns out to be very effective, although it introduces several additional bookkeeping requirements at runtime.
===The Generational Collection Algorithm===
===The Generational Collection Algorithm===
[http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp12214/index.html Dynamic compilation and performance measurement]
[http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp12214/index.html Dynamic compilation and performance measurement]

Revision as of 11:03, 14 March 2011

Dynamic Compilation

The compilation process for a Java application is different from that of statically compiled languages like C or C++. A static compiler converts source code directly to machine code that can be directly executed on the target platform, and different hardware platforms require different compilers. The Java compiler converts Java source code into portable JVM bytecodes, which are "virtual machine instructions" for the JVM. Unlike static compilers, javac does very little optimization -- the optimizations that would be done by the compiler in a statically compiled language are performed instead by the runtime when the program is executed.

HotSpot dynamic compilation

The HotSpot execution process combines interpretation, profiling, and dynamic compilation. Rather than convert all bytescodes into machine code before they are executed, HotSpot first runs as an interpreter and only compiles the "hot" code -- the code executed most frequently. As it executes, it gathers profiling data, used to decide which code sections are being executed frequently enough to merit compilation.

HotSpot comes with two compilers: the client compiler and the server compiler. The default is to use the client compiler; you can select the server compiler by specifying the -server switch when starting the JVM. The server compiler has been optimized to maximize peak operating speed, and is intended for long-running server applications. The client compiler has been optimized to reduce application startup time and memory footprint, employing fewer complex optimizations than the server compiler, and accordingly requiring less time for compilation.

After interpreting a code path a certain number of times, it is compiled into machine code. But the JVM continues profiling, and may recompile the code again later with a higher level of optimization if it decides the code path is particularly hot or future profiling data suggests opportunities for additional optimization. The JVM may recompile the same bytecodes many times in a single application execution. Try invoking the JVM with the -XX:+PrintCompilation flag, which causes the compiler (client or server) to print a short message every time it runs.

Compilation and Writing Benchmarks

One of the challenges of writing good benchmarks is that optimizing compilers are adept at spotting dead code -- code that has no effect on the outcome of the program execution. But benchmark programs often don't produce any output, which means some, or all, of your code can be optimized away without you realizing it, at which point you're measuring less execution than you think you are. In particular, many microbenchmarks perform much "better" when run with -server than with -client, not because the server compiler is faster (though it often is) but because the server compiler is more adept at optimizing away blocks of dead code.

The following benchmark intended to measure concurrent thread performance, but that instead measures something completely different.

public class StupidThreadTest {
   public static void doSomeStuff() {
       double uselessSum = 0;
       for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
           for (int j=0;j<1000; j++) {
               uselessSum += (double) i + (double) j;
   public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
       int nThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
       Thread[] threads = new Thread[nThreads];
       for (int i=0; i<nThreads; i++)
           threads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() {
               public void run() { doSomeStuff(); }
       long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
       for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)
       for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)
       long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
       System.out.println("Time: " + (end-start) + "ms");

The doSomeStuff() method is supposed to give the threads something to do. However, the compiler can determine that all the code in doSomeStuff is dead, and optimize it all away because uselessSum is never used. Once the code inside the loop goes away, the loops can go away, too, leaving doSomeStuff entirely empty. The server compiler does more optimization and can detect that the entirety of doSomeStuff is dead code. While many programs do see a speedup with the server JVM, the speedup you see here is simply a measure of a badly written benchmark, not the blazing performance of the server JVM.


If you're looking to measure the performance of idiom X, you generally want to measure its compiled performance, not its interpreted performance. (You want to know how fast X will be in the field.) To do so requires "warming up" the JVM -- executing your target operation enough times that the compiler will have had time to run and replace the interpreted code with compiled code before starting to time the execution.

The compiler runs at less predictable times, the JVM switches from interpreted to compiled code at will, and the same code path may be compiled and recompiled more than once during a run. If you don't account for the timing of these events, they can seriously distort your timing results.

How much warmup is enough? You don't know. The best you can do is run your benchmarks with -XX:+PrintCompilation, observe what causes the compiler to kick in, then restructure your benchmark program to ensure that all of this compilation occurs before you start timing and that no further compilation occurs in the middle of your timing loops.

If you run your benchmarks with -verbose:gc, you can see how much time was spent in garbage collection and adjust your timing data accordingly. Even better, you can run your program for a long, long time, ensuring that you trigger many garbage collections, more accurately amortizing the allocation and garbage collection cost.

Garbage Collection

The benefits of garbage collection are indisputable -- increased reliability, decoupling of memory management from class interface design, and less developer time spent chasing memory management errors. The well-known problems of dangling pointers and memory leaks simply do not occur in Java programs. (Java programs can exhibit a form of memory leak, more accurately called unintentional object retention.) However, garbage collection is not without its costs -- among them performance impact, pauses, configuration complexity, and nondeterministic finalization.

The Basic Algorithms

Memory blocks can be reached in one of two ways -- if the user program holds a reference to that block in a root (a reference to an object held in a static variable or in a local variable on an active stack frame), or if there is a reference to that block held in another reachable block. In a Java program. The set of reachable objects is the transitive closure of the root set under the points-to relation. The problem faced by all garbage collection algorithms is the same -- identify blocks of memory that have been dispensed by the allocator, but are unreachable by the user program.

Reference counting

The most straightforward garbage collection strategy is reference counting. Reference counting is simple, but requires significant assistance from the compiler and imposes overhead on the mutator (the term for the user program, from the perspective of the garbage collector). Each object has an associated reference count -- the number of active references to that object. If an object's reference count is zero, it is garbage (unreachable from the user program) and can be recycled. Every time a pointer reference is modified, such as through an assignment statement, or when a reference goes out of scope, the compiler must generate code to update the referenced object's reference count. If an object's reference count goes to zero, the runtime can reclaim the block immediately (and decrement the reference counts of any blocks that the reclaimed block references), or place it on a queue for deferred collection. Many ANSI C++ library classes, such as string, employ reference counting to provide the appearance of garbage collection. Reference counting is rarely used in production garbage collectors for a number of reasons, such as its inability to reclaim unreachable cyclic structures (objects that reference each other directly or indirectly, like a circularly linked list or a tree that contains back-pointers to the parent node).

Tracing collectors

None of the standard garbage collectors in the JDK uses reference counting; instead, they all use some form of tracing collector. A tracing collector stops the world (although not necessarily for the entire duration of the collection) and starts tracing objects, starting at the root set and following references until all reachable objects have been examined. Roots can be found in program registers, in local (stack-based) variables in each thread's stack, and in static variables.

Mark-sweep collectors

The most basic form of tracing collector, first proposed by Lisp inventor John McCarthy in 1960, is the mark-sweep collector, in which the world is stopped and the collector visits each live node, starting from the roots, and marks each node it visits. When there are no more references to follow, collection is complete, and then the heap is swept (that is, every object in the heap is examined), and any object not marked is reclaimed as garbage and returned to the free list.

Mark-sweep is simple to implement, can reclaim cyclic structures easily, and doesn't place any burden on the compiler or mutator like reference counting does. But it has deficiencies -- collection pauses can be long, and the entire heap is visited in the sweep phase, which can have very negative performance consequences on virtual memory systems where the heap may be paged.

The big problem with mark-sweep is that every active (allocated) object, whether reachable or not, is visited during the sweep phase. Because a significant percentage of objects are likely to be garbage, this means that the collector is spending considerable effort examining and handling garbage. Mark-sweep collectors also tend to leave the heap fragmented, which can cause locality issues and can also cause allocation failures even when sufficient free memory appears to be available.

Copying collectors

In a copying collector, another form of tracing collector, the heap is divided into two equally sized semi-spaces, one of which contains active data and the other is unused. When the active space fills up, the world is stopped and live objects are copied from the active space into the inactive space. The roles of the spaces are then flipped, with the old inactive space becoming the new active space.

Copying collection has the advantage of only visiting live objects, which means garbage objects will not be examined, nor will they need to be paged into memory or brought into the cache. The duration of collection cycles in a copying collector is driven by the number of live objects. However, copying collectors have the added cost of copying the data from one space to another, adjusting all references to point to the new copy. In particular, long-lived objects will be copied back and forth on every collection.

Heap compaction

Copying collectors have another benefit, which is that the set of live objects are compacted into the bottom of the heap. This not only improves locality of reference of the user program and eliminates heap fragmentation, but also greatly reduces the cost of object allocation -- object allocation becomes a simple pointer addition on the top-of-heap pointer. There is no need to maintain free lists or look-aside lists, or perform best-fit or first-fit algorithms -- allocating N bytes is as simple as adding N to the top-of-heap pointer and returning its previous value.

---Inexpensive memory allocation in a copying collector
void *malloc(int n) { 
   if (heapTop - heapStart < n)
   void *wasStart = heapStart;
   heapStart += n;
   return wasStart;

Developers who have implemented sophisticated memory management schemes for non-garbage-collected languages may be surprised at how inexpensive allocation is -- a simple pointer addition -- in a copying collector. This may be one of the reasons for the pervasive belief that object allocation is expensive -- earlier JVM implementations did not use copying collectors. Allocation cost may be significantly cheaper in the Java runtime than in C. Not only is the cost of allocation smaller, but for objects that become garbage before the next collection cycle, the deallocation cost is zero, as the garbage object will be neither visited nor copied.

Mark-compact collectors

The copying algorithm has excellent performance characteristics, but it has the drawback of requiring twice as much memory as a mark-sweep collector. The mark-compact algorithm combines mark-sweep and copying in a way that avoids this problem, at the cost of some increased collection complexity. Like mark-sweep, mark-compact is a two-phase process, where each live object is visited and marked in the marking phase. Then, marked objects are copied such that all the live objects are compacted at the bottom of the heap. If a complete compaction is performed at every collection, the resulting heap is similar to the result of a copying collector -- there is a clear demarcation between the active portion of the heap and the free area, so that allocation costs are comparable to a copying collector. Long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of the heap, so they are not copied repeatedly as they are in a copying collector.


Most (98%) objects die young. The various garbage collection strategies perform very differently depending on the mix of short-lived and long-lived objects. Copying collectors work very well when most objects die young, because objects that die young never need to be copied at all. However, the copying collector deals poorly with long-lived objects, repeatedly copying them back and forth from one semi-space to another. Conversely, mark-compact collectors do very well with long-lived objects, because long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of the heap and then do not need to be copied again. Mark-sweep and mark-compact collectors, however, expend considerably more effort examining dead objects, because they must examine every object in the heap during the sweep phase.

Early JDKs used a single-threaded mark-sweep or mark-sweep-compact collector. JDKs 1.2 and later employ a hybrid approach, called generational collection, where the heap is divided into several sections based on an object's age, and different generations are collected separately using different collection algorithms. Generational garbage collection turns out to be very effective, although it introduces several additional bookkeeping requirements at runtime.

The Generational Collection Algorithm


Dynamic compilation and performance measurement